If the subject of UFOs brings embarrassment to the scientific community, then the subject of the contactees brings embarrassment to the UFO community! Shortly after the dawn of the modern UFO era (1947), an offshoot appeared; humans claiming to have been contacted by the extraterrestrials of those UFOs. Unfortunately, those making the claims, the contactees (as they came to be called) told such outlandish tales that not only did they discredit themselves, but took nearly the whole UFO subject down the gurgler with them. Perhaps it’s now time for a reassessment or reevaluation of the contactees: perpetrators or victims? Did the contactees knowingly try to hoodwink the public with tales of the “Space Brothers”, or did real “Space Brothers” hoodwink the contactees, at least in part, into telling on the surface rather outlandish tales?
Certain privileged humans (called ‘contactees’) have claimed to have had personal and/or mental (psychic; channeling) contact with friendly, completely human-appearing space aliens – at least claimed by their own admissions. These angelic-like UFO related extraterrestrial beings, fully human in appearance, were pretty much a stand alone staple of the (mainly 1950’s) contactees who claimed to have had personal contact with and feel-good cosmic messages from said like angelic-like extraterrestrial beings, often called by the contactees as our ‘space brothers’ who have come to Earth in their ‘flying saucers*’. Of course many contactees were further privileged to have been taken for rides in these ‘flying saucers’, and traveled into space and to other planets, usually the home abodes of their angelically-human hosts, most often Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Well actually the ‘flying saucers’ were more akin to Star Trek’s shuttlecraft; the real alien vessels were the orbiting ‘Mother Ships’, akin the Star Trek’s NCC 1701 Enterprise, and it was these ‘Mother Ships’ that usually zipped our contactee passengers on a grand tour of our solar system and their home planet.
It was unfortunate that such claims tarnished the wider subject of UFOs (as possible evidence that extraterrestrial intelligence existed). However, in some degree of historical hindsight, when perhaps tarnished then, that clearly might not be quite the case now.
The contactees were often bucketed as total loonies back then (in the 50’s) by the mainstream, even mainstream people interested in extraterrestrial life and UFOs, including myself. That’s no less so today if someone is still foolish enough to mention them – like me here and now. But a question remains on the grounds of ‘innocent until proven guilty’, did the contactees (collectively) invent these angelic-like extraterrestrial beings, the ‘Nordics’, with the intent of fraud; or to have some fun and hoax the public and pull the wool over their unsuspecting eyes; or perhaps they just, collectively, had some serious mental issues, say delusions of sorts. Or, perhaps the contactees were relating the truth as they thought they had experienced it, when perhaps the angelic-like extraterrestrial beings were being less than 100% honest with them for reasons best known to themselves, though one can speculate.
Unfortunately, they didn’t provide much in the way of actually evidence in their own defence. Sometimes a supporting witness or two; perhaps a plaster cast of a sandal imprint (the ‘space brothers’ tended to wear quasi-ski gear and sandals. Also in support of their claims, some early 1950s contactees produced photographs of the alleged ‘flying saucers’ (sometimes known as ‘scout ships’) or the much larger often cigar-shaped ‘Mother Ships’ though rarely of the ‘space brothers’ themselves. More than a number of ‘genuine’ photos of typical extraterrestrial ‘flying saucers’ were noted to bear a suspicious resemblance to mundane terrestrial artifacts like a commonly available chicken egg incubator, complete with light bulbs serving as ‘landing gear’. Pretty obviously faked photographs did nothing to assist their credibility quotient.
However, let’s start with the assumption that the contactees are or were in fact innocent (until proven guilty) and told their stories as actually perceived or as it seemed by them.
In the 1950’s our ‘space brothers’ only told as much of their story as would be comprehensible to the relatively simple people of that era. Now truthfully, the contactees (George Adamski say as an example of the general contactee stereotype) were relatively simple folk. They weren’t university deans, or theoretical physicists, or four-star generals, or diplomatic statesmen and legal eagles and MD’s, etc. That brings up an obvious question, why would our ‘space brothers' bother with the great unwashed when they could just as easily land on the White House lawn and be addressing Congress within hours? Well, the contactees, simple folk, were the sort of folk that our gentle hippy-like ‘space brothers’ would have associated with. However, the contactees were fed enough bovine fertilizer that their idealistic philosophical messages got buried along with their tall tales of trips to Venus and Saturn, etc., where the ‘space brothers’ lived. Although then again, you have that angelic-like ancient Near Eastern goddess Inanna or Inana (Ishtar) identified with the celestial planet Venus, so who knows where the ‘gods’ have actually set up camp!
I mean here that any advanced technological civilization can boldly go and thwart Mother Nature’s hostile environments with a bit of can-do effort. Obvious terrestrial examples show how humans can now live on the polar icecaps; under the ocean; in extremely arid regions; even on the lunar surface. So, who’s to say the ‘space brothers’ didn’t have an HQ on Venus or Saturn or the far side of the Moon?
Now about the cosmic messages from the ‘space brothers’; dead and buried hogwash, or did those 50’s idealistic ‘space brother’ philosophical messages really get buried? Perhaps our ‘space brothers’ are a bit more clued than given credit for. The contactees thought that universal truths and consequences would be accomplished very simply by the ‘space brothers’ or extraterrestrial brotherhood spreading a message of love and associated brotherhood ideals across the world via themselves. That wasn’t to be then, it isn’t now, but (there’s always a ‘but’ somewhere along the way).
I can’t help but wonder, maybe it’s no coincidence that almost immediately following the heyday of the contactees came the era of the Hippies and counterculture with their idealistic philosophical concepts (influences which have filtered down to this very day and age) of “hell no, we won’t go”; burn your draft card; bra-burning; flower-power; love; peace; brotherhood (and sisterhood); the dawning of the Age of Aquarius; free love, drop out, tune in, etc. You can’t help but feel that the ‘space brothers’ as generally described, would have fitted right into that picture. Our ‘space brothers’ might have been more at home with people who smoked pot and attended Woodstock than lunching with politicians and generals smoking cigars, drinking scotch-on-the-rocks and sanctioning the dropping of napalm and Agent Orange on Vietnam.
However, there’s nothing overly unique about the 50’s and our contactees. Apart from, though not directly linked to ‘flying saucers’ or UFOs, or the 50’s contactees, there is a rather long history of claims of contact with non-earthly intelligences, if by non-earthly intelligences you include all things supernatural – the deities/gods of mythology. Most of the world's polytheistic religions involved ongoing contact between ordinary humans (or more likely as not rulers like kings and emperors) and a supernatural source of wisdom, such as the gods in human form or, moving on to monotheism, an angel(s) or equivalent. It might be predictable therefore that many of the 1950s contactees, or their followers, would form their own religious cults, with the contactee usually as sole spiritual leader. And so that too came to pass, almost invariably.
There might be another historical connection. It’s been speculated that the ‘gods’ (including ‘God’ were really ‘ancient astronauts’ – presumably that would have to include Jesus Christ. So, was J.C. an ‘ancient astronaut’? If J.C. really was an ‘ancient astronaut’, that just might give a whole new credibility to those 50’s contactees. J.C. was a near clone of the 50’s ‘space brothers’.
For example, the ‘space brothers’ are often labelled as the ‘Nordics’ – Fully human in appearance, they tend to be tall, blond hair, rather long-haired in fact, blue-eyed, with athletic builds (male), or Playboy figures (female). In fact, the ‘space brothers’ sort of resemble the Greek (Titan and Olympian), Roman and Norse gods – physical perfection, profound wisdom, all things bright and beautiful. You can also identify with J.C. as a ‘Nordic’ type and he’d fit right in on a ‘flying saucer’ in the 1950’s chin-wagging with the contactees.
The purpose of the ‘space brothers’ is quasi-missionary, not religion so much as preaching morality, ethics, ecology, profound wisdom, brotherhood, make-love-not-war, ban-the-bomb, things of cosmic importance, all the sorts of things one associates with Hippies and the New Agers. You can associate with J.C. as a sort of New Ager Hippy type and thus as a typical ‘space brother’ as the ‘space brothers’ were considered to be highly spiritually evolved beings.
Of course there’s another possible explanation. Might the ‘contactees’, and through them their readers, have been the victims of cosmic pranksters – the trickster gods of mythology, who in the modern context are the ‘gods’ – flesh-and-blood extraterrestrials and sometimes hangers-on from the glory days of the polytheistic gods who weren’t really gods but ‘gods’? The reader is reminded that every ancient mythology not only has a pantheon of gods, but at least one trickster god in every pantheon, with accent on the word “trickster”. The ‘contactees’ could easily have been relatively innocent victims of a massive hoax. You can hear the tricksters now – “ha, ha – fooled you – again”.
There is an interesting quasi-parallel between the 50’s contactees and the later abductees, even though the “Nordic” “Space Brothers” appear vastly different than the abductee’s “Greys”. The contactees were pre-Hippy New Ager types. In contrast, many abductees seem to undergo quasi-New Age lifestyle changes post abduction(s). They may have become vegetarians, gave up smoking or drinking, joined community groups, started participating in charity work, developed ecological concerns and/or become overall a more spiritually-oriented being.
*Contactees didn’t use the term UFOs or the phrase ‘unidentified flying objects’ because to them there was nothing unidentified about them.
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