It takes way more than you fingers and toes to tick off the number of radical right wing religious fanatics, those Christian fundamentalists and evangelists who seemingly are anti anything and everything even slightly left of their worldview. They don’t tend to preach the positives, but concentrate on the negatives like God’s wrath, Satanism, hellfire and brimstone, demons and the end times. One of the better established examples is long term televangelist Pat Robertson, and his worldview is pretty typical of the type.
Pat Robertson is one of those popular televangelists, in this case chief cook and bottle-washer on the “700 Club” part of the Christian Broadcasting Network with roughly one million viewers. Robertson has seemingly been a televangelist ever since TV became mainstream entertainment. He just keeps on keeping on, and on, and on! Now even I have to admit that Pat Robertson comes across as a mild-mannered soft-spoken kindly grandfatherly (b. 1930) character, nothing akin to a hellfire and brimstone Bible-thumping hell-raiser. Instead, he’s the sort of person you’d suspect who’d sit you on his knee and comfort and sooth your aches and pains and pray your troubles away.
Charismatic he’s not, but he’s in your comfort zone. Don’t let all that fool you, though he’s a middle-of-the-road extreme right wing fundamentalist (he doesn’t subscribe to the literal six 24-hour days of creation and likes to pick and choose what parts of the Bible suit his purposes rather than outright acceptance of Biblical infallibility), he’s still way, way, way right of centre when it comes to all things Biblical. In fact, author Robert Boston has termed Pat Robertson “The Most Dangerous Man in America ” (1996).
Perhaps its just his advanced age, but he’s convinced God talks to him – that’s his story and he’s sticking to it – although he sometimes gets the message from on high befuddled. In fact his success rate in relating God’s predictions to the masses is, to put it mildly, embarrassing.
Robertson once sought the Republican Party’s nomination for the American Presidency (1988) – no dice. He also once made plans to televise live the Second Coming (which he’s convinced in just around the corner and has been for many decades) from Jerusalem , but to date Jesus hasn’t cooperated with the anointed one.
Here are a selected few Right Wing Watch headlines about our elderly Mr. Robertson. As you might expect, Pat is anti-gay, anti-environment, anti-abortion, anti-Muslim, and of course anti-President Obama, etc. If God is against it, you can bet the family farm Pat Robertson is against it too.
“Robertson lashes out at ‘doctrinaire’ environmentalist ‘fanatics’.”
“Robertson: Liberals use schools like gulags to ‘indoctrinate’ youth.”
“Pat Robertson’s prayers can make you a millionaire.”
“Robertson: worth praying over clothes to rebuke demons.”
“Robertson dismisses ‘nutty,’ ‘true believer’ climate scientists.”
“Robertson: ‘Demonic’ Islam isn’t a religion but an ‘economic and political system’.”
“Robertson: Obama is a secret socialist.”
“Robertson: Liberals ‘want death’ [regarding euthanasia and abortion rights].”
“Robertson admits he blew election prediction he received from God.”
“Robertson: ‘Miserable’ atheists trying to ‘steal’ Christmas.”
“Pat Robertson excuses [CIA Director David] Petraeus: ‘Here’s a good-looking lady throwing herself at him’.”
“Pat Robertson on Obama victory: ‘What is going on with the American people?’”
“Robertson: Gays and Liberals ‘don’t want freedom’ but ‘want a dictatorship’.”
“Robertson warns God is about to ‘take down the wall of protection around this nation’.”
“Pat Robertson: Since ‘we don’t condone wife-beating these days’ husband should ‘move to Saudi Arabia ’ to beat her’.”
“Robertson: Democrats the ‘party of gays, godlessness and whatever else’.”
“Pat Robertson: ‘out of your mind’ to support same-sex marriage.”
“Pat Robertson blames drought on Americans who ‘ignore the laws of God with impunity’.”
“Robertson: Gay rights advocates should ‘shut their mouth’.”
“Pat Robertson blames Sikh Temple shooting on atheists.”
“Pat Robertson: Same-sex marriage is the ‘death knell’ of the Democratic Party
“Pat Robertson: Dump your Muslim girlfriend.”
“Pat Robertson: Ignore what the Bible says about slavery.”
“Robertson: Gay relationships lead to ‘disease and suffering’.”
“Pat Robertson prays to free people from the ‘so-called homosexual lifestyle’.”
“Pat Robertson describes how God built the Christian Broadcasting Network.”
“Robertson: Scientists ‘can’t speculate about the origins of life’.”
“Pat Robertson tells man to tithe against wife’s wishes because ‘you are the boss’.”
“Pat Robertson says Satan is behind homosexuality and abortion rights.”
“Pat Robertson says homosexuality is ‘related to demonic possession’.”
“Robertson calls non-Christians a ‘virus’.”
“Pat Robertson flip flops and denies climate change.”
“Pat Robertson implores woman not to attend sister’s same-sex marriage.”
“Pat Robertson says people could have stopped deadly tornadoes through prayer.”
“Robertson says Obama’s ‘role in life is to diminish the power of the United States ’.”
“Robertson warns of looming ‘secular atheist dictatorship’.”
“Pat Robertson tells viewer it’s his own fault, not Robertson’s, that [faith] healing didn’t work.”
“Pat Robertson claims Obama is becoming a dictator.”
“Pat Robertson says you should be Christian first and American second, but attacks Muslims who put religion ahead of nationality.”
“Pat Robertson calls Obama ‘power hungry’ and a ‘dictator’.”
“God tells Robertson that ‘radical’ Obama will bring down America .”
“Robertson: ‘What is this ‘mac and cheese,’ is that a Black thing?’.”
“Robertson says Obama has a Muslim ‘inclination’.”
“Robertson calls Oklahoma earthquake a sign of the end times”
“Robertson: Christians should oppose Occupy Wall Street.”
“Bennett, Robertson blame feminism, gay culture for ruining men.”
“Robertson tells woman who can’t pay mortgage she must keep tithing in order to receive God’s blessings.”
“Robertson says Obama is ‘inciting people to revolt’.”
“Robertson blasts Occupy Wall Street ‘clowns’.”
“Robertson: Christians shouldn’t celebrate Halloween because ‘it’s the night for the devil’.”
“Robertson’s marital advice: divorce your wife with Alzheimers.”
“Robertson: Jews must convert to Christianity to usher in end times.”
“Robertson suggests crack in the Washington Monument was a sign from God.”
“Robertson: ‘The antichrist is Islam’.”
“Robertson: Media hate freedom, democracy and America .”
“Robertson: [Texas Governor Rick] Parry ‘founded his administration on the Bible’.”
“Robertson and Spencer agree: media love Islam ‘cult’ because they hate America .”
“Robertson: Jewish ‘self-hatred’ explains support for Obama, lack of support for Israel .”
“Robertson: God will destroy America for marriage equality.”
“Robertson: The Tea Party is God’s answer.”
“Robertson: Fighting Muslims is just like fighting Nazis.”
“Robertson: Left backs abortion rights to make straight women more like lesbians.”
“Robertson on burqa ban: don’t like it? Go back to Africa .”
“Robertson: Asteroid will destroy the Earth.”
“Robertson: Nuclear power is, without question, the way to go.”
“God tells Robertson 2011 will be bad for the world, great for Robertson.”
Further Reading :
Donovan, John B.; Pat Robertson: The Authorized Biography; Scribner; 1988.
Harrell, David Edwin; Pat Robertson: A Life and Legacy; William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.; 2010.
Harrell, David Edwin; Pat Robertson: A Personal, Religious, and Political Portrait; Harpercollins; 1988.
Marley, David John; Pat Robertson: An American Life; Rowman & Littlefield; 2007.
Straub, Gerard Thomas; Salvation for Sale: An Insider’s View of Pat Robertson; Prometheus Books; 1988.
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