Monday, March 24, 2014

Erik Rush And Jim Garrow: Equals In Idiocy

There are those from all walks of life who hold extreme world views of the political, economic, religious, racial, ethnic, sexist, paranormal, environmental or climate change, etc. kind, even if those worldviews would be deemed irrational to 99 and 44/100ths percent of everyone else. Okay, if they sincerely believe in that worldview, even if extreme, well different strokes for different folks. It would be a very boring world if absolutely everybody agreed on absolutely everything.

However, extremists can cross the line between what’s extreme yet rational (to them) and what’s extreme and deranged. There are numerous people who are intelligent enough to spout off nonsense while knowing its nonsense. Unless they have a hidden agenda, that’s crossing the line between rational behaviour and a rational albeit extreme worldview and what really should be considered irrational even deranged behaviour and an irrational worldview even to them. Hidden agendas however often rear their ugly heads and include drawing unwarranted attention and publicity to yourself because you like to get public recognition that you are a Mr. Big, in the manner that some people confess to crimes they couldn’t possibly have committed in order to get into the headlines, on the news, and get their five minutes of public recognition sunshine.

Even so, irrational behaviour and extreme worldviews are usually harmless in the broader arena, but not all the time. Some of these are often featured on the People for the American Way project they term the Right Wing Watch. While the Right Wing Watch [RWW] website can be very entertaining – who doesn’t like being entertained by funny clowns* – some clowns can also be very disturbing.  Consider the following two irrational, IMHO, idiots with deranged worldviews.


What do you tend to make of someone who is reported to hold the following views according to the website Right Wing Watch?

Conservative WorldNetDaily [WND] columnist and frequent Fox News guest Erik Rush is the name and being whacko is his game. For example:

“Erik Rush thinks Obama ‘murdered’ everyone on missing Malaysia Airlines plane.”

“Erik Rush: Founders would kill ‘the radicals in our government’.”

“Jim Garrow and Erik Rush call for executions of elected officials by hanging, firing squad.”

“Erik Rush: Obama is murdering critics.”

“Erik Rush: Obama is ‘enslaving’ white people.”

“Erik Rush: Government officials should be ‘hanging from D.C. like fruit’.”

“Erik Rush: Obama might be on drugs.”

“Erik Rush wonders if South Africa was better off under apartheid.”

“Erik Rush: Remove Obama from office ‘by any means necessary’.”

“Erik Rush: People who criticize me belong in jail.”

“Garrow & Rush: Obama should be tried and executed over mythical EMP plot.”

“Erik Rush: Obama is just like Damien from The Omen.”

“Erik Rush: Obama a Communist operative and ‘evil incarnate’.”

“Erik Rush wonders if Obama is in a satanic cult.”

“Erik Rush: Obama will begin staging hate crimes.”

“Erik Rush: ‘Insurrection’ needed before Obama begins ‘herding people into cattle cars’.”

“Erik Rush: Civil war needed to overthrow Obama before he imposes ‘the cruelest

“Erik Rush: ‘Narcissistic sociopath’ Obama using shutdown to ‘usurp complete power’.”

“Erik Rush: Navy Yard shooting carried out to prevent Obama from being arrested for treason.”

“Erik Rush: Obama engaging in triple cover-up of Benghazi.”

“Erik Rush links Obama to Okalahoma murder.”

“Erik Rush: Africa and India colonized because their people seemed ‘only a few steps out of the trees’.”

“Rush & Wiles: Obama’s civil war starting any day now.”

“Erik Rush: Obama is murdering everyone and I don’t need evidence to prove it.”

“Erik Rush: Muslim immigrants will be ‘Obama’s cutthroat foot soldiers’ & ‘incite the chaos that will necessitate martial law’.”

“Erik Rush: Journalists, who should be in jail, must stop Obama’s ‘tyranny’.”

“Erik Rush: Obama likely ‘orchestrated the attack’ in Benghazi and ‘deserves to be occupying a cell in some federal penitentiary’.”

“Erik Rush: Obama will allow terrorist attacks to declare martial law.”

“Erik Rush: ‘We have far more human garbage in this country than we ever ought to have tolerated.’

“Erik Rush wasn’t joking when he said kill Muslims.”

“Erik Rush: Kill all Muslims in response to Boston marathon attack.”

“Erik Rush: Same-sex marriage is an ‘anti-theistic, christophobic design of the Radical Left’.” 
“Erik Rush: There is a 50% chance Obama will cancel the 2016 elections and become a dictator.”

“Erik Rush: Obama and allies ‘merit being removed by force of arms’.”

“Erik Rush warns conservative leaders secretly support the imminent Obama dictatorship.”

“Erik Rush suspects Obama will classify Christians as ‘mentally ill and ship them off to an asylum’.”

“Erik Rush: Supporting gay rights like ‘capitulating to a developmentally disabled child’.”

“Erik Rush: ‘Street hustler’ Obama is building a ‘Communist state’.”

“Erik Rush: Obama emulating Stalin to pursue his ‘totalitarian end game’.”

“Erik Rush warns we will all soon ‘bow to Communist overlords’.”

“Erik Rush: Obama may cancel 2014 election to help bring ‘this nation under the heel of Communism’.”

“Erik Rush: Chinese military building bases in U.S and pushing new gun laws.”

“Erik Rush: ‘Supernatural evil’ and ‘mind-control’ behind rise of the Left.”

“Erik Rush: Obama bringing about the Apocalypse.”

“Erik Rush suggests Founders would hang ‘evil’ Obama for seeking to ‘enslave us’.”

“WND [columnist Erik Rush] floats armed resistance to Obama administration.”

“WND [columnist Erik Rush]: Gun violence part of Obama’s Marxist plot.”

“WND [columnist Erik Rush] warns of martial law during Obama’s second term.”

“WND columnist [Erik Rush]: prosecute liberals, journalists for treason.”

“WND columnist [Erik Rush] warns gay rights advocates will bring about the next Holocaust.”

I’m sure the Secret Service has this guy as a person of interest and on their ‘to be watched very closely’ list.


Then there’s Erik Rush’s sidekick, the even wackier Jim Garrow, oft interviewed by Rush. Here are some of Garrow’s offerings as reported by the Right Wing Watch [RRW].

“Garrow: Obama blew up missing Malaysia airlines plane.”

“Jim Garrow and Erik Rush call for executions of elected officials by hanging, firing squad.”

“Garrow: Get out of US before Obama tries to ‘wipe us out’.”

“Garrow: Obama will soon implement Sharia law and kill people by guillotine.”

“Garrow: Put Obama ‘in chains and under arrest’.”

“Garrow: Obama should be ‘put down’ like a ‘rabid dog’.”

“Totally stable Jim Garrow is angry that we’re [RRW] making him look ‘crazy’. “

“Garrow: God stopped Obama/Satan from killing me!”

“Garrow: Anti-Obama ‘coup is very close,’ ‘it’s time to revolt’.”

“Garrow: Obama will have you ‘wiped from the face of the earth’.”

“Garrow: Obama deserves to be killed for treason.”

“Garrow: Obama is ‘mentally ill’ and preparing to implement martial law.”

“Jim Garrow and Pete Santilli now openingly calling for military coup against Obama.”

“Garrow: Obama part of Arab-Chinese-Communist conspiracy, [Obama’s] children need DNA test.”

“Garrow: Obama tried to kill me!”

“Garrow: ‘Your days are numbered Bathhouse Barry” as guerrilla war against the government is about to begin.”

“Garrow suggests Obama had Hawaii health director killed as part of birther cover-up”

“Jim Garrow claims Reagan almost nuked Mecca and God stopped Obama from nuking US.”

“Garrow and Rush: Obama should be tried and executed over mythical EMP [electromagnetic pulse] plot.”

“The Obama-Soros conspiracy to nuke America and kill 300 million people exposed [by Jim Garrow]!”

“Garrow: Breitbart’s ‘big mouth’ got him, Michael Hastings and Tom Clancy all killed by President Obama.”

I’m doubly sure the Secret Service has this guy too as another person of extreme interest and definitely on their ‘to be closely watched’ list.

But surely Rush and Garrow can’t sincerely believe the bovine fertilizer they are spouting off. This is surely just a grab for attention. If Rush and Garrow sincerely believe in their own rhetoric, and in their rationality (they are not just play acting in order to bring attention to themselves for its own sake) then they are very dangerous individuals indeed.

* Not funny ha-ha but funny peculiar. Those peculiar and even frightening  extremist/fundamentalist Right Wing clowns like Congresswoman Michele (the end times are near) Bachmann; David (pseudohistory is my stock-in-trade speciality) Barton; Glenn (I do keep on rambling on) Beck; Senator Ted (the new messiah) Cruz; Gordon (anchors aweigh and let us pray) Klingenschmitt; and Sarah (green eggs and ham) Palin. 

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