Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Tooth Fairy Has Greater Believability Than God

There’s a hundred times over more evidence for the existence of Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny than there is for an almighty deity, oft called God. It’s rather disquieting that there’s massive amounts of evidence for what we don’t believe in, what we know is make-believe, yet no evidence at all for the reality of what multi-millions of individuals accept without question. Something is screwy somewhere.

What’s the reality of God vs. the reality of Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny? Its child’s’ play really!


When it comes to deities, God (and Son) are pretty much the new kids on the block, which is really odd if you think about it if God is the one true god and has been here since, well, “In the beginning”. Polytheism has a far longer history and timeline than monotheism and even the first (and rather short lived) go at quasi-monotheism in Ancient Egypt had the Sun playing the role of Mister Big (the Aten). Religious scholars can trace the evolution of belief in deities from place to place and culture to culture and time to time. I like to think that God was created in the image of Zeus* who in turn was created in the image of even earlier deities that were worshiped by those earlier societies and so on back through the centuries, so far back in fact that one can trace unnamed fertility goddesses back into prehistoric time via artifacts that clearly had the same sort of meaning as today’s Christ-on-the-dashboard.     


What more can one say about Santa (or Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas or Kris Kringle) that hasn’t been stated hundreds of times before. Come Xmas time, indeed even months before Xmas, Santa and Santa’s image is everywhere. You’d have to be a hermit living in a cave somewhere out back of beyond, in Whoop-Whoop or some such place in order to escape Santa’s hype, or the hype about Santa. 

This character of originally and essentially European folklore can be traced back to the fourth century CE and can just about give God a run for the money in the longevity stakes

We all know what the modern Santa does and what products Santa is associated with and how Santa helps the shops bring in an extra buck or two or twenty. But at least Santa is an in-your-face sort of guy, not afraid to mix it with the kiddies (and should get a Victoria Cross, Medal of Honor, or similar medals for bravery above and beyond the call of duty).

On the other hand, kids don’t get to sit in God’s lap while at the shopping mall or department store. There’s no images of God on Xmas cards (or any other Xmas merchandise for that matter) so God’s pretty shy. Kiddies get no presents under the tree from God. God doesn’t stand on street corners ringing bells and collecting for charities.


The Easter Bunny (or Rabbit or Hare) that brings Easter Eggs to good little boys and girls is an ancient German tradition that predates the late 1600’s. So the Easter Bunny is certainly not a modern invention by the manufactures of chocolate in order to up the obesity rate.

The Easter Bunny is a tad more elusive than Santa though there have been occasional sightings around the Easter period of giant bipedal rabbits. Authority figures assure skeptical kiddies that the Easter Bunny is really real. Proof of that fact resides in all those Easter Bunny statues carved in and out of various kinds and brands of chocolate. Some Christians might call that idolatry; most call it tasteful, even yummy.  Then there are all those stuffed and cuddly Easter Bunny toys (more idolatry) and EB images appear on all sorts of Easter-related merchandise and goodies. So there’s lots of evidence that the Easter Bunny (or Bunnies) exist.   

On the other side of the Easter coin, God doesn’t provide yummy Easter treats; there are no cuddly stuffed God toys for young girls (and boys) to hug and snuggle up to in bed at night. God doesn’t sanction His image to be used at anytime in anyplace, far less the marketplace. IMHO I think God is ashamed of how He looks. God probably looks very old; very wrinkled; very gray and probably very naked.


The Tooth Fairy is rooted in folklore that goes back to ancient Europe and Northern Europe (the Norse countries), spreading throughout at least primarily English speaking nations, so like Santa and the Easter Bunny, is hardly a new concept.

The Tooth Fairy is also a bit more elusive than Santa, but we have her (?) existence on record as testified by authority figures (i.e. – mom and dad) and the kids see the proof of the pudding next morning as in whatever the local exchange rate is between tooth enamel and the coinage of the realm.

God doesn’t give a royal stuff about your kid’s loose tooth and certainly isn’t going to give the kid so much as a red cent or even a wooden nickel for it.

In short, God can’t apparently be bothered to show His face and interact with humanity, especially the little children – although in retrospect, He’s perhaps showing good sense. Who really would want to interact and associate with all those hoards of noisy, screaming, drooling, smelly, foulmouthed, brats!!!


There’s no evidence for the existence of God, yet there is massive amounts of evidence for the reality of the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny and especially Santa Claus. But we know that the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny and especially Santa Claus are fictitious or mythological and have no basis in reality. So, from all of that, what can one conclude about the existence of God? What odds there really is a bona-fide supernatural deity who can’t be bothered to show up at the shopping mall and let little I’ve-peed-in-my-pants kiddies sit is His lap? What odds there really is a bona-fide supernatural deity who can’t be bothered to show up at Easter and give those little I’ve-crapped-in-my-pants brats a colored hardboiled egg or two? What odds there really is a bona-fide supernatural deity who doesn’t seem to give a damn about all those baby teeth from those little I’ve-spewed-all-over-my-pants babes-in-the-woods; He who can’t spare a bit of Holy Change?

* However, it is far more likely that the God of the Old Testament morphed out of the various Mesopotamia gods and was in transition from the ones to the other via that first monotheistic religion, Zoroastrianism. 

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